Saturday, February 2, 2013


One of the hardest things in life, and dieting especially, is balance. Balancing food with exercise, rest with effort, and then what kinds of food- protein vs. fat, carbs vs. protein, and all that. You can't eat too much but you can't eat too little as well! I've found that I can't eat less than 18 out of my 23 points a day and still lose my 1-2lbs a week. For awhile I was only eating 16 out of 25 points a day, and that worked really well for awhile, but I was tired all the time. And then, I stopped loosing weight! I was so upset and depressed, all this work, not eating hardly anything and I couldn't lose anything! My mom, who's worried about me losing weight this fast because of all the toxins (chemo) and medications that my body is detoxing as it loses fat, told me to try eating more. I tried that reluctantly and actually started to lose weight again.
  The lesson here is don't eat too far under your points, those points are supposed to be low enough for you to lose weight anyways so under counting them is just a recipe for disaster. The next set of scales to balance is what kind of food you're eating. My worst enemy is sweets, I HAVE to eat something sweet everyday or I will cheat... Candy kisses, healthy cookies and treats, I've found ways to make it work :) Whatever your Achilles heel is, try your best to give yourself just a little bit of it, even if its just once a week.
 Timing is a new facet I'm learning to deal with... For example, post workout if you eat more protein-rich meals you feel fuller longer and you're results will show the effort! I go for a nice chicken salad and some cottage cheese and fruit. Also, I try really really hard not to eat past 8pm unless I just can't avoid it, meetings or work running late for instance . It has been shown time and time again that your metabolism pretty much shuts down at 8 even if you're a night owl, so eating past that time is not the best thing you can do for yourself. Having this 8 pm deadline helps me to space my meals and snack throughout the day better as well.

That's how I try to maintain balance, how do you?

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